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Something Happened

Madeline Cash

‘She is thorough in a way that is off putting to people. It makes for a good secretary, not a good conversationalist.’

Fiction by Madeline Cash.


Diana Evans

‘How do you love a monster when they are no longer monstrous?’

New fiction by Diana Evans.

The Museum Guard

J.M. Coetzee

‘Do they strike people as a strange couple? He does not know, does not care.’

Fiction by J.M. Coetzee.

Private View

Sophie Collins

‘Being recognised as part of a couple thrilled me; I felt legitimised. John had a life, a full life.’

Fiction by Sophie Collins.


Kevin Brazil

‘Love is a concept about which I have long been very sceptical. I have seen the damage that can be done, and can be justified, in the name of love.’

Fiction by Kevin Brazil.


Allen Bratton

‘On all sides he is surrounded by old people: jowly liver-spotted men in wrinkled suits, brown-toothed women in Thatcher drag, holding forth with tiresome decorum on coal imports, road safety, the economy of Northern Ireland.’

Fiction by Allen Bratton.

Cracked Plate

Nicola Dinan

‘Later that day, Emma had thought of Nina while Toby fucked her in bed. Isn’t that fucked? Thinking about the other girl he was fucking. Her friend.’

Fiction by Nicola Dinan.

The Material

Camille Bordas

‘Rehearsing in front of the mirror was for actors, according to them, not comedians. It was for vain people. A good comedian was the opposite of vain, they said.’

Fiction by Camille Bordas.

What Burns

Julie Bouchard

‘Seven thousand forest fires are currently burning – fires which, under normal circumstances, would never even cross your mind.’

Fiction by Julie Bouchard, translated by Arielle Aaronson.

The New Life

Tom Crewe

‘He knew that he did not want it to stop, that he could not escape the grip of this terrible excitement.’

Fiction by Tom Crewe.

Kings Of Cool Crest

Kate Lister Campbell

‘Fifty years I’ve played here, except for stretches in Arizona and Mississippi, after my divorce.’

Fiction by Kate Lister Campbell.

The Full Package

Zoe Dubno

‘I wasn’t against fashion; I wasn’t one of those people who need to make it into a whole statement about their intellect.’

Fiction by Zoe Dubno.

And Of The Son

Rachel Connolly

‘There’s something in her face. Adoration? I mean, she’s drunk. But she clearly has a thing for me.’

Fiction by Rachel Connolly.

Not a River

Selva Almada

‘He takes the knife, cuts the barb from the body, sends it back to the depths of the river.’

An extract from Not a River by Selva Almada, translated by Annie McDermott.