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Why A Colored Girl Will Slice You If You Talk Wrong About Motown

Patricia Smith

‘Their newborn children grew / like streetlights. We grew like insurance payments. / We grew like resentment.’


Hiromi Itō

‘Who connects with the next woman / With tens and hundreds and thousands of women.’

New Hotel Krakow

Adam Zagajewski

‘Now someone else lives in that apartment, / strange people, the scent of a strange life.’

A poem by Adam Zagajewski.

All the Good Help

Togara Muzanenhamo

‘He will not understand her fascination / for rain, these summer months of water / that somehow keep the money coming in.’

PK 754

Yasmeen Hameed

‘Tell me, what is this cry of pain in the air?’

Remembered Summer

Troy Jollimore

‘Our conversations faltered, the celestial musicians / took a break between sets, and all the little engines / we had so painstakingly gathered and constructed / lapsed into stillness for a few brief moments.’

On Jupiter Place

Nicholas Christopher

‘I didn’t know who she was anymore / maybe I never did or could –’

The Door Was Open and the House Was Dark

Seamus Heaney

‘I called his name, although I knew / The answer this time would be silence / That kept me standing listening while it grew.’

Two Poems

Rowan Ricardo Phillips

‘It was a cruelty I first tried to blame on nature, / Then on growing up, on falling off, on it being / Just an old myth.’

Undo it

Carl Phillips

‘I can almost see again: we’ll drown anyway’

Hang It Up

Anne Carson

‘hang up your blood cell phone mr white slaver’