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John Burnside

'the trees / are slender in the way that things / are almost, though not quite / absent'

A Description of the Architectural Impact of My Home, Age 7

Saïd Sayrafiezadeh

‘my apartment is neither over / nor under the sidewalk, / but both at once’

Meeting the psychiatrist’s wife

Lorraine Mariner

‘The psychiatrist’s wife / has a dress the colour / of that bottle of claret / you shouldn’t have drunk / last night.’

The Burning of the Rocks

John Kinsella

‘What locked-away / state of unawareness, other life form, / brings desire to combust / out of rock exposed to flame’


Ben Lerner

‘My role in the slaughter doesn’t disqualify the beauty I find in all / forms of sheltered flame.’

The Lady and the Skull

Angela Carter

‘I believed I had defined the problem. / With which the picked skull had presented me.’

Nature Study: Spots

Kay Ryan

‘Reminding us / again that live things / can be flat.’


James Lasdun

‘I thought I’d do it while I still could.’

The Self-Illuminated

Don Paterson

Don Paterson reads his poem, ‘The Self-Illuminated’ in memoriam Peter Porter, from Granta 119: Britain.

Two Poems

Niall Campbell

‘And so, last night, so cold, I listened to / the floorboards warp in the unwelcome heat.’

How Long is the Coast of Britain?

Jynne Martin

‘It is the hour for farewells. It is the hour.’

Waterloo East

Lorraine Mariner

‘On one of those mornings / when I felt like resigning / from my life.’