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How Long is the Coast of Britain?

Jynne Martin

‘It is the hour for farewells. It is the hour.’

A Spell For Going Safely Forth By Day

Jynne Martin

‘The hunter pushes a bullet beneath his tongue to fix his aim, / or is it to stave off his thirst?

Sunday Drive Home

David Masello

‘On the drive down the Taconic, / you sleep, your head sinks then snaps / up when it reaches some reflex angle.’

From the Flood Plain

Jamie McKendrick

‘No flood as parched as this’


Jamie McKendrick

‘When my father saw an advert in the Echo / for a big house at a peppercorn rent / he rang.’


Jamie McKendrick

‘greener / for an alien crop of hogweed higher / than us’

Mz N Contemporary

Maureen N. McLane

‘I gave my love and that stone / I gave my love still ring’

Come Again/Woods

Maureen N. McLane

‘They party in the woods / as if they were meant for pleasure / not timber.’

Two Poems

Andrew McMillan

‘I hadn’t / realised it possible / that I might grow into kinder / ownership of my own looks’

Though I Have Never Been to Ostia, I Have Seen the Place Where Our Dreams Died

Momtaza Mehri

‘like pasolini’s dream of an african oresteia let us be ridiculous’

Biscotti Boys / On Men Who Wear Living as Loosely as Their Suits

Momtaza Mehri

‘salmaan the second son & his mama’s seventh seal by way of underwater & underemployment’


Richard Meier

‘At midnight on our third and final date / I stepped inside her Edwardian conversion / to find a stripped-pine, bookless space.’

We’ll always have Paris

Richard Meier

‘I’d gone there with my girlfriend of three years, / then left her three days after meeting you.’