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The Country House

José Donoso

‘It was the season when unwholesome rumours were bred spontaneously, as life breeds in stagnant waters gone foul.’

A Short History of Coronation Ale

Graham Swift

‘Rest assured, it was no ordinary ale that they drank by the Ouse while in Westminster crowds thronged.’

Greasy Lake

T. Coraghessan Boyle

‘I contemplated the car. It lay there like a wreck along the highway, like a steel sculpture left over from a vanished civilization.’


David Harsent

‘When he began to walk again, he was picturing himself sitting beside her in their usual bar, drinking a cold beer and smoking a cigarette.’


Todd McEwen

‘Characteristically my wife refused to be drawn into the situation while I became obsessed with it.’

Rayme – A Memoir of the Seventies

Jayne Anne Phillips

‘This story could be about any one of those people, but it is about Rayme and comes to no conclusions.’

Rock Springs

Richard Ford

‘But as I read on a napkin once, between the idea and the act a whole kingdom lies. And I had a hard time with my acts, which were oftentimes offender's acts.’

The Compartment

Raymond Carver

‘How would he act when he saw the boy at the station?’

Why I Love Country Music

Elizabeth Tallent

‘The harmonica player is left standing alone in the light, talking to himself. He cleans the spit from his instrument with a white handkerchief so old it is nearly transparent.’

Monster Deal

Frederick Barthelme

‘I'm about ready to go see what’s happening when they come in, each of them carrying a flamingo from the front yard.’

Still Life With Watermelon

Bobbie Ann Mason

‘When she saw a photograph of a cornucopia in a magazine, she imagined a huge watermelon stuck in its mouth.’

The Barracks Thief

Tobias Wolff

‘What sort of a man would turn his back on his own kind?’


Martin Amis

‘How did I get like this? It can’t just be the booze and all the junk food I put away. I must have been booked in for this a long time ago.’

Blow Your House Down

Pat Barker

‘There was a moment of complete silence, one of those inexplicable, simultaneous pauses in conversation that come over groups of people in a crowded room.’