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Alan Judd

‘She responded to him with a mixture of haughty refusal and a suggestive acknowledgement, a grudging yielding which was what the play demanded.’

Trout Day By Pumpkin Light

Adam Mars-Jones

‘He is as old as sin, if sin is twenty-six.’

The Fortune-Teller

Shiva Naipaul

‘While she may have given up counting those broken vows, she had not given up making them.’

Ol’ Black Rock

Philip Norman

‘But here, on a three-legged stool in Tennessee, the tape recorder faltered, as if at the behest of draughts, as if called on to register psychic disturbance.’

The Miraculous Cairn

Christopher Priest

‘The island of Seevl lies like a dark shadow over my memories of childhood.’

The Golden Bough

Salman Rushdie

‘The same face. At every interview the same bland features. It could not be – but it was.’

The Five Of Us

Lisa St Aubin de Terán

‘The freezing of the money signalled the beginning of virtual penury. It also signalled the beginning of our fame.’


Clive Sinclair

'My nubile companion, assuredly no intellectual, continued to masturbate in front of me.'

About the Eel

Graham Swift

‘We have not yet come to the most remarkable episode in this quasi-mythological quest for the genesis of the eel.’

My Wife is a White Russian

Rose Tremain

‘I'm in nickel and pig-iron and gold and diamonds. I like the sound of all these words. They have an edge, I think. The glitter of saying them sometimes gives me an erection.’


A. N. Wilson

‘His father had visited a prostitute and had been a spy. It was quite obvious to Julian that this was true. He was almost pleased to read it, for it justified his sense, never admitted to himself before, that Daddy Spoilt Everything.’

The Wall

Jurek Becker

‘That afternoon a different soldier is standing at the gate. He calls out something that sounds dangerous.’

Memoirs of an Anti-Semite

Gregor von Rezzori

‘For our kind it was impossible to fall in love with a Jewish girl. It meant being unfaithful to our flag.’

City of the Dead, City of the Living

Nadine Gordimer

‘While I'm ironing, he cleans the gun. I saw he needed another rag and I gave it to him.‘