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White Men’s Boats

Giles Foden

‘Deo Gratias stood on the deck of the Liemba with his prisoners at his feet. I leaned on the rail, studiously casual.’

After Hours

A. M. Homes

‘They have created stage sets, backdrops, candy-coloured scenarios, Kodacolor bright landscapes onto which you can project your fantasies.’


V. V. Ganeshananthan

‘Pain informs. Pain draws a map. Doctors resolve to relieve pain, but pain is information, and to lose it is to lose something valuable.’

The Unnamed

Joshua Ferris

‘Coffee and a powdered doughnut sat on his desk, the morning offering.’

In the Crossfire

Ha Jin

‘Meifen had never imagined that his life could be so fragile.’

Dragon Island | New Voices

Laura Fellowes

‘This is a wartime story. It is the spring of 1943 and Europe is burning; look down and see.’

Original Message

Austin Grossman

‘So tomorrow we might be on the same side. Unless you’re a triple agent, in which case we already were on the same side.’

The Silkworms

Janet Frame

‘Nothing has changed, Edgar said. What new event is written into their history? None. Where is their future? Nowhere. Are they against or for progress? It was dark when Edgar took the box outside down to the rubbish heap and sprinkled the dead moths upon the ashes of the diseased pawpaw.’ Janet Frame on an unsettling natural process.


Ruth Gershon

Can you still find this day, Habibi, among your possessions?’.

Nothing But Ghosts

Judith Hermann

‘Afterwards Ellen liked to say she had once been to America but couldn't remember it very well.‘

The Father

Kirsty Gunn

‘They never had people who could be fathers here before.’

Fox Deceived | New Voices

Hannah Gersen

‘Sandra was stuck at the traffic lights where route forty hit the turnpike. She was thinking about strawberries.’

More Afraid of You

Joshua Ferris

‘On Bainbridge Island, across the Puget Sound from Seattle, there are two modes of living: downtown and inland.’


Alan Hollinghurst

‘Surely we’re not going to Rome for discos.’