Polly Toynbee | Granta

Polly Toynbee

Polly Toynbee is a political and social commentator for the Guardian. Previously she was the BBC’s Social Affairs Editor and a columnist for the Independent and the Observer. She is the author of, among others, Hard Work: Life in Low-Pay Britain, Hospital and Lost Children. With David Walker she has written two audits of Labour’s first and second terms, Did Things Get Better? and Better or Worse?: Did Labour Deliver?


Dogma and Disarray

Polly Toynbee

Compassionate, caring, green: this is how David Cameron presented himself before the election. Once in Downing Street, he threw off his disguise. The laid-back old-school Tory emerged as the leader of a party on a break-neck mission to fulfil Margaret Thatcher’s vision.

Polly Toynbee and David Walker, previously sharp dissectors of the Blair and Brown record, report that despite confusion and economic failure the Tories core commitment is unchanged. Looking in detail at the government’s policies during their first two years in power, Toynbee and Walker warn in this lively analysis that by the next election the welfare state may be in irrecoverable ruins – unless the Tory mission to downsize and diminish the publish realm is brought down first by Cameron’s incompetence.