Ivan Vladislavić
Ivan Vladislavić is the author of The Restless Supermarket, Portrait with Keys and Double Negative. His new collection 101 Detectives will be published this month. He is a Distinguished Professor at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg.
Ivan Vladislavić on Granta.com
Fiction | The Online Edition
Exit Strategy
Ivan Vladislavić
‘The corporate storyteller is having a bad day.’
In Conversation | The Online Edition
S.J. Naudé and Ivan Vladislavić In Conversation
S.J. Naudé & Ivan Vladislavić
‘In rapidly transforming societies, writers may lose the space they’ve built their imaginative lives around.’
Essays & Memoir
The Online Edition
Ivan Vladislavić
‘When a house has been alarmed, it becomes explosive.’