Tracy Kidder
Tracy Kidder is the author of three important books of non-fiction: Among Schoolchildren, House and The Soul of the New Machine, for which he won the Pulitzer Prize. ‘The Adjuster’ (Granta 38) is his first published fiction. ‘The Last Place on Earth’ (Granta 44) is taken from Old Friends, available in the United States from Houghton Mifflin. His book The Strength of What Remains was published in 2009.
Tracy Kidder on
The Online Edition
The Last Place on Earth
Tracy Kidder
‘The living-room windows begin to reflect the lights on the plastic Christmas tree, and the view through those windows is fading, the woods growing thicker, the birches glowing in the dusk.’
The Online Edition
The Adjuster
Tracy Kidder
’On the day my career at Fireplace Mutual began, six of us recruits filed into the smoke-filled office of the Supervisor of Adjusters, Mr Kreisky.’