Silvina Ocampo
Silvina Ocampo (1903–1993) was one of Argentina’s great twentieth-century poets and short story writers. She emerged onto the Buenos Aires literary scene in 1937 with her first book of short stories, The Forgotten Journey, and later co-authored The Book of Fantasy with her close friend Jorge Luis Borges. She went on to publish many books of poetry and short fiction and her works have been widely translated. Thus Were Their Faces, an English-language collection of her short stories was published by NYRB Classics in 2015.
Silvina Ocampo on
Fiction | The Online Edition
Sarandí Street
Silvina Ocampo
‘Around the kerosene lamp fell slow drops of dead butterflies.’
Poetry | The Online Edition
Silvina Ocampo
‘Oh, nothing, nothing is mine. / I am like the reflections of a gloomy lake / or the echo of voices at the bottom of a blue / well when it has rained.’