Richard Ford
Richard Ford was born in Jackson, Mississippi, in 1944. He is the author of three collections of short stories, Rock Springs, Women Without Men and A Multitude of Sins, and six novels, A Piece of My Heart, The Ultimate Good Luck, Wildlife, The Sportswriter, Independence Day (which won the Pulitzer Prize and PEN/Faulkner award in 1996) and The Lay of the Land. He is the editor of The Granta Book of the American Short Story and The Granta Book of the American Long Story.
Richard Ford on
Essays & Memoir | The Online Edition
Between Them
Richard Ford
‘It was my child’s outlook to think most things were right. And yet if life’s eternal drama is of events seeking a more perfect state, their life and mine was not that.’
Essays & Memoir
The Online Edition
Where Does Writing Come From?
Richard Ford
‘Occasionally if pushed or annoyed I'll come right out and say it: I make these little buggers up, that's what. So sue me’.
In Conversation | The Online Edition
Richard Ford | Interview
Tim Adams & Richard Ford
‘It may be that writing fiction, imagining agencies, is my most trusted way into the unseen.’
The Online Edition
Richard Ford
‘Madeleine Granville was standing at the hotel window of the Queen Elizabeth II, trying to decide which tiny car far below on Mansfield Street was her yellow Saab’.
The Online Edition
The Shore
Richard Ford
'Our relationship, in fact, hasn't seemed to need more attention to theme or direction but has proceeded or at least persisted on autopilot, like a small plane flying out over a peaceful ocean with no one exactly in command.'
The Online Edition
The Womanizer
Richard Ford
‘Austin turned up the tiny street – rue Sarrazin – at the head of which he hoped he would come to a larger one, one he knew, rue de Vaugirard, possibly, which he could take all the way to Josephine Belliard's apartment by the Luxembourg Gardens.’
Issue 31
Electric City
Richard Ford
‘No one, I think, thought Great Falls would burn.’
Fiction by Richard Ford.
Essays & Memoir
Issue 31
On Harley-Davidson
Richard Ford
‘Jack Nicholson, I've heard, used to own one. And I understand why.’
Issue 8
Rock Springs
Richard Ford
‘But as I read on a napkin once, between the idea and the act a whole kingdom lies. And I had a hard time with my acts, which were oftentimes offender's acts.’