Melissa Lee-Houghton
Melissa Lee-Houghton is a poet, fiction writer and essayist. Her short fiction was recently broadcast on BBC Radio Four and she was awarded a Northern Writers’ Award for her short fiction this year. A poem from her forthcoming collection, Sunshine (Penned in the Margins, September 2016) ‘i am very precious’ is shortlisted for the Forward Prize for Best Single Poem.
Melissa Lee-Houghton on
Five Things Right Now | The Online Edition
Five Things Right Now: Melissa Lee-Houghton
Melissa Lee-Houghton
‘It thrills and delights me that I can now watch concerts I would’ve given several fingers to go to in the ’90s, albeit wonky though these videos are.’
Issue 136
The Price You See Reflects the Poor Quality of the Item and Your Lack of Desire for It
Melissa Lee-Houghton
‘I walk away from you / without glancing back, in case you see in me something I don’t.’