Leonard Michaels
Leonard Michaels’s books include The Men’s Club and a collection of short stories, A Girl with a Monkey (both published by Mercury House). Time Out of Mind: The Diaries of Leonard Michaels 1961-1995 is published by Riverhead Books in the United States.
Leonard Michaels on Granta.com
Essays & Memoir
The Online Edition
Leonard Michaels
‘Of course I wouldn’t. It would be politically incorrect, as is anything really personal.’
Essays & Memoir
The Online Edition
Save me from this Love
Leonard Michaels
‘The producer and I became good friends, bowling around after work in Berkeley, New York, and LA.’
Essays & Memoir
The Online Edition
My Father’s Life
Leonard Michaels
‘Six days a week he rose early, dressed, ate breakfast alone, put on his hat, and walked to his barbershop at 207 Henry Street on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, about half a mile from our apartment.’
Issue 1
The Men’s Club
Leonard Michaels
‘The night of the meeting I told my wife I’d be home before midnight.’