John Burnside
John Burnside lives in East Fife, Scotland, where he teaches at the University of St. Andrews. His fifth novel, The Devil’s Footprints, and a collection of poems, Gift Songs, were published by Jonathan Cape in spring 2007.
John Burnside on
Essays & Memoir | The Online Edition
Defining Betrayal
Various Contributors
‘I think of betrayal as a crack in the veneer of humanity, an act that reveals to us, and others, our base animal nature.’
Issue 122
John Burnside
'the trees / are slender in the way that things / are almost, though not quite / absent'
Poetry | Issue 122
The Day Etta Died
John Burnside
‘I was marking a stack of essays / on Frank O’Hara / and each had a Wiki- / paragraph to say / who Genet was.’
Poetry | Issue 122
Self-Portrait as Amnesiac
John Burnside
‘Shoeboxes lined with eggs and empty / pomegranates drying in a bowl, / mousebones and wicker, chess pieces, muddled coats.’
Art & Photography
Issue 119
John Burnside & et al
Home is makeshift. Everything we build, everything we name, everything we hold dear and would not have taken from us is temporary and in constant need of re-imagining.
In Conversation | Issue 119
John Burnside | Interview
John Burnside & Rachael Allen
‘Marx said the forest only echoes back what you shout into it – and this is very often true, perhaps more often than not, but I think the poet’s task is to suggest that it needn’t be.’
Issue 119
The Limeroom
John Burnside
‘I was discovering this deep reserve of patience I never knew I had, and I was surprised at how rich it was.’
Essays & Memoir
Issue 119
How to Fly
John Burnside
‘I flew for the first time when I was nine years old.’