Jayne Anne Phillips
Jayne Anne Phillips is the author of two short-story collections, Black Tickets and Fast Lanes, and four novels, Machine Dreams, Shelter, Termites and MotherKind, which was shortlisted for the Orange Prize in 2001. She directs the MFA Program at Rutgers-Newark, the State University of New Jersey. ‘Solly and Lark’, which appeared in Granta 100, is taken from her novel Termite.
Jayne Anne Phillips on Granta.com
The Online Edition
Solly and Lark
Jayne Anne Phillips
‘If he got inside me I would never get away.’
The Online Edition
Termite’s Birthday, 1959
Jayne Anne Phillips
‘It's like by the time he was born there was too much to know.’
Issue 55
Mother Care
Jayne Anne Phillips
‘After the birth and the overnight in the hospital she didn’t go downstairs for a week.’
Issue 55
Buddy Carmody
Jayne Anne Phillips
‘No one was safe walking to church in the dark, but Buddy knew better than to beg not to go'.
Issue 35
In Summer Camps
Jayne Anne Phillips
‘The sky burned white to blond to powder to an almighty blue; the sun fell unobstructed.’
Issue 19
Fast Lanes
Jayne Anne Phillips
‘I was vanished, invisible, another apartment left empty behind me, my possessions given away, thrown away, packed away in taped boxes fit into an available vehicle.’
Issue 19
Danner, 1965
Jayne Anne Phillips
‘She was sliding down on the seat under him and it was like the soundtrack at the drive-in – a surface closed over her.’
Fiction | Issue 8
Rayme – A Memoir of the Seventies
Jayne Anne Phillips
‘This story could be about any one of those people, but it is about Rayme and comes to no conclusions.’