Daniel Alarcón
Daniel Alarcón was born in Lima, Peru in 1977 and raised in the southern United States. He is associate editor of Etiqueta Negra, a monthly magazine based in Lima. His novels include Lost City Radio and At Night We Walk in Circles, and his story collection, War by Candlelight, was a finalist for the 2006 Hemingway Foundation/PEN Award. He currently lives in Oakland, California, where he is the Distinguished Visiting Writer at Mills College.
Daniel Alarcón on Granta.com
Issue 118
The Provincials
Daniel Alarcón
‘I'd been out of the Conservatory for about a year when my great-uncle Raúl died.’
Essays & Memoir
Issue 117
The Ground Floor
Daniel Alarcón
‘I met Darin Rossi standing in a thick, gooey pool of fake blood, on an early-December night in Los Angeles.’
Essays & Memoir | Issue 109
Life Among the Pirates
Daniel Alarcón
‘Being pirated is the Peruvian equivalent of making the bestseller list.’
In Conversation | Issue 109
Daniel Alarcón | Interview
Daniel Alarcón & John Freeman
‘Granta editor John Freeman interviews Daniel Alarcón about book piracy in Peru.’
Essays & Memoir | Issue 109
The Inauguration
Daniel Alarcón
‘With few exceptions, presidents do not comment on or even recognize an individual loss like this one; they operate on another scale, and there is no room within their discourse for something so small.’
Essays & Memoir | Issue 109
Lost in Translation
Daniel Alarcón
‘It’s about the music of it. “It’s Hollywood,” Mario said, and assured me the same is true of political speech-making.’
In Conversation | Issue 103
Daniel Alarcón | Interview
Daniel Alarcón & Helen Gordon
‘The strangest parts of a story are not necessarily the fictional elements.’
Fiction | Issue 103
The King is Always Above the People
Daniel Alarcón
‘It was the year I left my parents, a few useless friends, and a girl who liked to tell everyone we were married, and moved two hundred kilometres downstream to the capital.’