Chinelo Okparanta
Chinelo Okparanta was born in Port-Harcourt, Nigeria. She was one of Granta’s New Voices for 2012 and her writing has appeared in the New Yorker, Granta, Tin House, The Kenyon Review, and elsewhere. Her story ‘America’ was short-listed for the Caine Prize in African Writing. She is a finalist for the New York Public Library Young Lions Fiction Award for her debut short story collection, Happiness, Like Water (Granta). Her debut novel will be published by Granta in 2015.
Chinelo Okparanta on
In Conversation | The Online Edition
Chinelo Okparanta | Granta’s Best of Young American Novelists
Chinelo Okparanta & Luke Neima
‘As a person in the diaspora sometimes you ask yourself, well who will claim you? And then it really is up to you to claim a place for yourself.’
Issue 139
All the Caged Things
Chinelo Okparanta
‘All that thought of home gave the girl a sickly feeling, the longing of something so out of reach, something she wasn’t even sure she could any longer truly remember.’
Essays & Memoir | Issue 139
Notes from Uzbekistan
Chinelo Okparanta
‘The cultural presentations of the students – that juxtaposition of old and new world, of tradition and modernity.’
Fiction | Issue 139
Runs Girl | New Voices
Chinelo Okparanta
‘The year Mama fell sick was the year Njideka confessed to me that she was a runs girl.’
In Conversation | Issue 139
Chinelo Okparanta | Interview
Chinelo Okparanta & Yuka Igarashi
‘I wanted to be sure to approach their resistance to Nnenna’s homosexuality from a practical perspective – one of fear, rather than one of hate.’