Cal Flyn
Cal Flyn is an award-winning author and journalist from the Highlands of Scotland. Her first book, Thicker Than Water, was selected by The Times as one of the best books of 2016. Her second book Islands of Abandonment is expected in January 2021.
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Essays & Memoir | The Online Edition
The Trip to Rose Cottage
Cal Flyn
‘People washed up here, and remained.’
Cal Flyn visits the abandoned island of Swona.
Essays & Memoir
Issue 153
The Wolf at the Door
Cal Flyn
‘Wolves brook no bureaucracy. They do not believe in borders. It has been years since we have come face to face with apex predators in our own country.’
Essays & Memoir
Issue 142
Cal Flyn
‘Wildlife foundations find themselves calling for the deaths of tens of thousands of wild animals.’
Essays & Memoir | Issue 142
The Tree Farm
Cal Flyn
‘I was going north to find a tree farm, in a land where there are no trees.’