Granta | The Home of New Writing

Here Comes the Sun | New Voices

An Open Letter to Mbeki

Petina Gappah

‘You are human, Mr Mbeki, and are therefore prey to the resentments and obstinacies that plague the mere mortal.’

Sign of the Gun

P. D. Mallamo

‘You are going to be lonely for a while, he says to himself at six p.m. on a Thursday and orbits the field three times before dropping in like he’s crashing, just beyond the edge of the canyon.’

Simon Willis | What I’m Reading

Simon Willis

‘Like an excitable child, I rushed to the foyer to buy my copy.’

Gordon Burn | Interview

Gordon Burn & Simon Willis

‘The line between reality and its representation has become rivetingly porous.’

P.D. Mallamo | Interview

P. D. Mallamo & Roy Robins

‘Writing and reading in third-person present is like a high-speed drive through Nevada at two a.m.: incredibly invigorating and somewhat dangerous.’

Opinion: Kenya

Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o

‘Where Kenyatta had imprisoned me for my writing, Moi sent three truckloads of armed policemen to raze to the ground the community theatre where I worked.’

Tim Lott | Interview

Tim Lott & Helen Gordon

‘Somehow by putting things into words you’re taking a situation that feels very out of control and creating a kind of illusion of control over it.’

Musa Qala, Afghanistan | Dispatches

James Holland

‘As I discovered, many Afghans still believe that the Taliban offers security.’

Photography: The Paris Intifada

Nick Danziger

Nick Danziger’s photographs of the troubled Paris suburb of Bagneux.

Jason Cowley | What I’m Reading

Jason Cowley

‘Music, because of its abstraction, is the most difficult of all art forms to write about with exactitude and precision.’

Photography: Svarlbard

Gautier Deblonde

A selection of photographs from the Arctic archipelago Svarlbard.

The Disappearing Beach

Akash Kapur

Akash Kapur on ecological catastrophe in southern India.

One Hundred: Introduction

William Boyd

Granta 100: One Hundred’s guest-editor on the challenge of putting together a milestone issue.

Solly and Lark

Jayne Anne Phillips

‘If he got inside me I would never get away.’

(To A)

Harold Pinter

‘I shall miss you so much when I am dead’

On Buying a Clavichord

James Fenton

‘Your clavichord breathes as sweetly as your heart.’

Something to Tell You

Hanif Kureishi

‘I’d have dumped her if it wouldn’t have caused more problems than it solved.’

Three Character Sketches

Mario Vargas Llosa

‘For Fataumata, and others like her, dying tragically is dying naturally.’

From the Flood Plain

Jamie McKendrick

‘No flood as parched as this’


Jamie McKendrick

‘greener / for an alien crop of hogweed higher / than us’

In-flight Entertainment

Helen Simpson

‘All you needed for the modern world was to know how to work a remote control.’

Eel Tail

Alice Oswald

‘untranslatable hissed interruptions / unspeakable wide chapped lips’

The Unknown Known

Martin Amis

A satire on fundamentalism in this extract from an unpublished manuscript.

Human Safari

Lucy Eyre

‘We can visit them but they can’t visit us.’


Alan Hollinghurst

‘Surely we’re not going to Rome for discos.’

Chickens and Eggs

Doris Lessing

‘Twenty-one days it takes to hatch eggs, twenty-one nights, and there sits the great fierce hen who had accepted me as protector and jailer for that time.’

End of the Pier Show

Michael Hofmann

‘They were fascinated / by what they seemed to have contained.’


Isabel Hilton

‘Human settlement never seemed so fragile.’

To the City

Tash Aw

‘He knew he had to find this faraway city.’

The Swing

Don Paterson

‘the honest fulcrum of the hour / that engineers our ghost’

The White Hole of Bombay

Nicholas Shakespeare

‘If you like people who hate each other, it’s paradise.’

The Joy of Difficulty

Lavinia Greenlaw

‘did you breathe differently / as if equipped with an aqualung’

Estonia, Out in the Country

Ingo Schulze

‘I didn’t believe my eyes, not even when I saw what was happening in front of them.’

17 Melbourne Road

Oliver Reynolds

‘A room at the top of the street / preserving his life in sunlight’

Marriage Lines

Julian Barnes

‘Grief was in charge of him.’

May We Be Forgiven

A.M. Homes

‘Now I understand the meaning of — it just happened. Or — it was an accident.’