Andrew Motion
Andrew Motion was the UK’s Poet Laureate from 1999 to 2009 and his new collection, Peace Talks, is forthcoming by Faber & Faber. He is a Homewood Professor of the Arts at Johns Hopkins University and lives in Baltimore.
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Essays & Memoir | The Online Edition
Poetry in the Beginning
Andrew Motion
Andrew Motion shares how he came to write poetry.
Issue 133
Hunters in the Snow
Andrew Motion
‘The hunters have all failed, / the three hunters and their forlorn dogs / now arriving home from the mountain / which thunders above their village’
Issue 133
A Meeting of Minds with Henry David Thoreau
Andrew Motion
‘What am I doing here more than looking – / which I would stop / only to help things through their vanishing’
Essays & Memoir
Issue 133
Breaking In
Andrew Motion
‘He dedicated The Less Deceived to her: it was the only collection of poems he dedicated to anyone.‘