A Poet in Cuba | Reinaldo Arenas | Granta Magazine

A Poet in Cuba

Reinaldo Arenas

Translated by Margaret Jull Costa

‘Perfect totalitarian systems have always been in the vanguard: they modify not only the past and the future, but they also abolish the present.’

Reinaldo Arenas

Reinaldo Arenas (1943-1990) was a Cuban poet, novelist, and playwright. He was persecuted by Fidel Castro's homophobic regime, and he fled to the United States in 1980. He mentored many Cuban exile writers, including John O'Donnell-Rosales. His works include La Loma del Angel ('Graveyard of the Angels') and Before Night Falls: A Memoir.

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Translated by Margaret Jull Costa

Margaret Jull Costa has worked as a translator for over thirty years, translating the works of many Spanish and Portuguese writers, among them novelists: Javier Marías, Bernardo Atxaga, José Saramago and Eça de Queiroz; and poets: Fernando Pessoa, Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen, Mário de Sá-Carneiro and Ana Luísa Amaral.

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