Death is not here
Wouter Van de Voorde
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Wouter Van de Voorde is a Belgian-born visual artist, who lives with his family on Ngunnawal land in Canberra, Australia. Concerned with the uneasy boundary that emerged between life and death during the pandemic, Death is not here takes fossilisation and excavation as its theme. Prompted by afternoons spent digging with his son, unearthing the bones of a family chicken from the ground, Van de Voorde’s project circles around images of death and impermanence, from fossil collections and eroded gorges, to ravens and rock sculptures.
Wouter Van de Voorde
Wouter Van de Voorde is a Belgian-born, Australia-based visual artist. He lives with his family on Ngunnawal land in Canberra, Australia. His work has been exhibited widely in Belgium and Australia and published in outlets such as the New York Times magazine, VICE, It’s Nice That and De Staandard. Death is not here is his second monograph, following Safe which was self-published in 2019.
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