In Conversation | Daisy Lafarge & Amber Husain | Granta

In Conversation

Daisy Lafarge & Amber Husain

‘Being parasitised usually comes part and parcel with being a parasite yourself.’

Daisy Lafarge and Amber Husain on parasites and institutions.

Daisy Lafarge

Daisy Lafarge was born in Hastings and studied at the universities of Edinburgh and Glasgow. Her poetry collection Life Without Air (Granta Books, 2020) was shortlisted for the T. S. Eliot Prize. Paul, the winner of a Betty Trask Award, is her debut novel.

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Amber Husain

Amber Husain is a writer, researcher and cultural critic. She is the author of Replace Me (2021) and her essays have appeared in The Baffler, The Believer, Granta, Los Angeles Review of Books, London Review of Books, New Left Review, New York Times Magazine and The White Review

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