Tobias Wolff
Tobias Wolff was born in Alabama in 1945 and grew up in Washington State. He was educated at Oxford and Stanford universities. He has won many awards, including the Mary Roberts Rhinehart Foundation Award for Fiction, the National Endowment of Arts Award for fiction and three O’Henry Prizes. His novella, The Barracks Thief, which first appeared in Granta 8, won the PEN/Faulkner Award. His most recent book is a collection of his stories, That Room (2014). He was awarded Oregon State University’s Stone Award for Lifetime Literary Achievement in 2014.
Tobias Wolff on
Essays & Memoir
Issue 44
Tobias Wolff
‘We’d left Sarasota in the dead of summer, right after my tenth birthday, and headed west under low flickering skies that turned black and exploded and cleared just long enough to leave the air gauzy with steam.’
Fiction | Issue 8
The Barracks Thief
Tobias Wolff
‘What sort of a man would turn his back on his own kind?’