- Published: 03/04/2006
- ISBN: 9781862078642
- 129x20mm
- 100 pages
What Do Druids Believe?
Druidism evolved out of the tribal cultures of Britain, Ireland and western France over two thousand years ago. In the seventeenth century it experienced a revival, which has continued to this day. Contemporary Druids can now be found all over the world, and Druidry’s appeal lies in its focus on a reverence for the natural world, a belief in the value of personal creativity and of developing a sense of communion with the powers of nature and the spirit. Druidry’s startling recent growth lies in its broad appeal: some treat it as a philosophy, others as a religion, still others as a path of self-development. Druids can be Pagan, or can be followers of other faiths, and a Druid ceremony might include Christian and Buddhist Druids alongside Pagan and Wiccan Druids.
Philip Carr-Gomm explains the practical value of following Druidism today, and examines its core beliefs and relevance to the contemporary issues that face us all.