- Published: 23/01/2013
- ISBN: 9781847088529
- Granta Books
- pages
The Smoking Diaries Volume 4
Coda is Simon Gray’s powerful account of the year in which he struggled to come to terms with terminal lung cancer. Darkly comic depictions of the medical team are set against joyful accounts of sunlit days with his beloved wife, Victoria. Written with exceptional candour and a poignant reluctance to leave this world behind, Simon Gray’s Coda is as life-affirming as it is heart-rending. Sadly, Coda was published posthumously: Gray died in August 2008.
I can't imagine a finer book for a writer to go out on ... An absolutely extraordinary achievement
Front Row
Few books have ever been more immediate, more rooted in the present tense
Mail on Sunday
The effortless, rambling style he's accidentally found himself cultivating here reaches its zenith ... He finishes not in ugly mid-sentence but clearly, cleanly, perfectly. A casually perfect but unexpectedly painful early full stop to a life and a mind for which we are immeasurably richer
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