- Published: 23/01/2013
- ISBN: 9781847088512
- Granta Books
- 240 pages
The Smoking Diaries Volume 1
When he turned sixty-five, the playwright Simon Gray began to keep a diary: not a careful honing of the day’s events with a view to posterity but an account of his thoughts as he had them, honestly, turbulently, digressively expressed. The Smoking Diaries was the result, in which one of Britain’s most beloved and original writers reflected on a life filled with cigarettes (continuing), alcohol (stopped), several triumphs and many more disasters, shame, adultery, friendship and love. Few diarists have been as frank about themselves, and even fewer as entertaining.
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There's illness but also much hilarity in the diaries of playwright Simon Gray as he struggles with age, amnesia, cigarette addiction and the downsides of a luxury hotel
Blake Morrison, Sunday Times
I never believe people when they say they laugh out loud at books, but there I was with The Smoking Diaries laughing out loud over and over again
Craig Brown
These are superb diaries. If you enjoy company with a tireless and turbulent intelligence these are not to be missed
Howard Jacobson, Evening Standard
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