- Published: 02/12/2021
- ISBN: 9781783787463
- Granta Books
- 256 pages
For nearly 50 years, Diana Athill edited (and nursed and coerced and coaxed) some of the most celebrated writers in the English language. In a prose style of inimitable wit and rare candour, she recounts tales from a long life in publishing, including her reflections on editing writers such as V. S. Naipaul, Jean Rhys, Gitta Sereny and Brian Moore. She also provides an account of her own writing career, which includes the two critically acclaimed works, Instead of a Letter and After a Funeral.
Stet is unlike any other memoir I know, and a joy to read from start to finish
Independent on Sunday
She is always eloquent, often very funny, a natural writer
Sunday Telegraph
A narrative in which the passing literary stars take second place to an extraordinary guiding intelligence - sceptical, amused, humane
New Statesman
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Diana Athill
‘My two valuable lessons are: avoid romanticism and abhor possessiveness.’