- Published: 03/06/2010
- ISBN: 9781846272042
- 129x20mm
- 280 pages
It Could Be Worse, You Could Be Me
Hypochondriac, neurotic and a habitual worrier, Ariel Leve has always looked on the blighted side of life. She counts it a good day if she manages to get out of bed. If someone should ask: what’s the worst that can happen? she has a ready-made list and lives in permanent fear of what’s to come. But at least, as a pessimist, she’s fully prepared for any eventuality: people who see the glass half full are only a spill away from disappointment. Whether you’ve been dumped by the love of your life, lost your job, said the wrong thing at a party, or forgotten to have children, Ariel is there to remind you that it could be worse … you could be her.
Original, insightful and sharp, this is the flip side of Sex and the City: a very funny book written by a woman who knows how to laugh at herself and her insecurities
Joan Rivers
Ariel Leve is brilliant and funny. Buy this book and keep it close
Bill Nighy
It might seem strange that I approve of Ariel's doom-mongering, but actually I find that her hilarious and addictive honesty comes closer to the secret of optimism than she would probably care to admit! Immensely enjoyable
Laurence Shorter, author of THE OPTIMIST
From the Same Author
The Cassandra Chronicles
Ariel Leve
Ariel Leve has the ability to turn any personal disaster into a funny, endearing, self-deprecating story. Her ‘Cassandra’ column is one of the most popular in the Sunday Times, and this book gathers together the very best of the pieces, arranging them into themes, ranging from ways of getting through the day, to health concerns, romantic disasters, personality defects and a whole calamitous catalogue of worst-case scenarios. Hypochondriac, neurotic, habitual sweater-of-the-small-stuff, Cassandra is one of life’s worriers. She counts it a good day if she manages to get out of bed. If someone should ask: what’s the worst that can happen? she has a ready-made list and lives in permanent fear of what’s to come. But at least, as a pessimist, she’s fully prepared for any eventuality: people who see the glass half full are only a spill away from disappointment. Whether you’ve been dumped by the love of your life, lost your job, said the wrong thing at a party, or forgotten to have children, Cassandra is there to remind you that it could be worse – you could be her.
Ariel Leve on Granta.com
Essays & Memoir | The Online Edition
Where I’m Calling From
Ariel Leve
‘Pretentiousness was non-existent. Morals were unambiguous and pure.’