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Essays & Memoir|Granta 35
Essays & Memoir|Granta 35
The Zoo in Basel
John Berger
‘To create is to let take over something which did not exist before and is therefore new.’
Essays & Memoir|Granta 35
Essays & Memoir|Granta 35
The Unbearable Peace
John le Carré
‘It is a journalistic conceit to pretend you are unmoved by people. But I am not a journalist and I am not superior to this encounter.’
Art & Photography|Granta 35
Art & Photography|Granta 35
Of Bankers and Soldiers
Alex Kayser
Alex Kayser’s photographs of Swiss bankers and soldiers for Granta 35: The Unbearable Peace.
Essays & Memoir|Granta 35
Essays & Memoir|Granta 35
Switzerland Without an Army?
Max Frisch
‘Why should Switzerland of all places have no army? It costs billions and billions, but we can afford it.’
Essays & Memoir|Granta 35
Essays & Memoir|Granta 35
Václav Havel in Zürich
Friedrich Dürrenmatt
‘It so happens that the Swiss are a warlike people, even though no one has attacked us for over 200 years.’
Fiction|Granta 35
Fiction|Granta 35
In Summer Camps
Jayne Anne Phillips
‘The sky burned white to blond to powder to an almighty blue; the sun fell unobstructed.’
Fiction|Granta 35
Fiction|Granta 35
Some are Born to Sweet Delight
Nadine Gordimer
‘She stopped where she was; sourness was in her mouth and nose, oozing towards the foreign stranger, she mustn’t go a step nearer.’
Essays & Memoir|Granta 35
Essays & Memoir|Granta 35
A Mid-life Crisis
Patrick Süskind
‘Just what exactly is it that belongs together, pray tell? Absolutely nothing!’
Essays & Memoir|Granta 35
Essays & Memoir|Granta 35
Family Arguments
Wolf Biermann
‘What should the writer do in the dark times of tyranny?’
Fiction|Granta 35
Fiction|Granta 35
The Ramada Inn at Shiloh
Allan Gurganus
‘I think Lincoln's face predicted the twentieth century.’