Nadeem Aslam
Nadeem Aslam was born in Pakistan and now lives in England. He is the author of five novels, most recently The Golden Legend.
Nadeem Aslam on
Essays & Memoir
Issue 142
Nadeem Aslam
‘More than once the new dog was aggressive, a stab of fire, but I did not tell the grown-ups. I feared they would take him away.’
Fiction | Issue 142
The Secular World
Nadeem Aslam
‘There is no lack of talent in this country. All we lack is decent leaders.’ Pakistan’s secular world runs against fundamentalism in Nadeem Aslam’s latest novel, The Golden Legend.
Essays & Memoir | Issue 116
Where to Begin
Nadeem Aslam
‘Pages five, six and seven make her into a Pakistani, but for the first four pages she is nothing but a human being.’
Issue 112
Leila in the Wilderness
Nadeem Aslam
‘It was almost involuntary: it felt like falling, or like rising in a dream.’
Essays & Memoir
Issue 112
Nadeem Aslam | God and Me
Nadeem Aslam
‘I loved—and continue to love—the pages of certain copies of the Qur’an.’