Lost and Found in Johannesburg
As a boy growing up in 1970s Johannesburg Mark Gevisser would play ‘Dispatcher’, a game that involved sitting in his father’s parked car (or in the study) and sending imaginary couriers on routes across the city, mapped out from Holmden’s Register of Johannesburg. As the imaginary fleet made its way across the troubled city and its tightly bound geographies, so too did the young dispatcher begin to figure out his own place in the world.
At the centre of Lost and Found in Johannesburg is the account of a young boy who is obsessed with maps and books, and other boys. Mark Gevisser’s account of growing up as the gay son of Jewish immigrants, in a society deeply affected – on a daily basis – by apartheid and its legacy, provides a uniquely layered understanding of place and history. It explores a young man’s maturation into a fully engaged and self-aware citizen, first of his city, then of his country and the world beyond. This is a story of memory, identity and an intensely personal relationship with the City of Gold. It is also the story of a violent home invasion and its aftermath, and of a man’s determination to reclaim his home town.