Geoffrey Biddle
Geoffrey Biddle married Mary Ann Unger in 1980. Their daughter Eve was born in 1982. Among the pictures of his parents and his family in Granta 39: The Body are two taken by his daughter on pages 152 and 154. His books include Alphabet City, Sydney and Flora, and God Bless America. His work is in multiple collections, including the Museum of Modern Art. The Alphabet City photographs and papers were acquired by The New York Public Library in 2017.
Geoffrey Biddle on
Art & Photography
Issue 39
My Daughter
Geoffrey Biddle
Geoffrey Biddle’s photographs of his family in Granta 39: The Body.
Art & Photography
Issue 37
Alphabet City
Geoffrey Biddle
‘When I first worked here, the neighbourhood was not called Alphabet City. It was the Puerto Rican part of the Lower East Side and the Puerto Ricans called it Loisaida, low-ee-SIGH-da, a new York-Puerto Rican version of Lower East Side.’