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To save you time we’ve collected together answers to the questions we are asked most often.  If you do not find the answer you are looking for on this page, use the links and contact information for your area of interest and we’ll try our best to answer you query.


Q. Can I submit my book to Granta Books for publication?
Granta Books regrets that we are no longer able to accept unsolicited submissions and cannot enter into correspondence regarding works submitted in this way.


Q. How do I apply for a job or work experience at Granta Books?
Whenever a job vacancy arises at Granta Books we will post details on our Jobs & Internships page.  We usually advertise in the Bookseller and occasionally in the Guardian.  Unfortunately, due to the high number of enquiries we receive, we cannot respond to speculative applications.


Q. How can I contact a Granta Books author?
We cannot give out authors’ contact details, including email addresses, but we will be happy to forward correspondence to them or to their agents. As we are not always in email contact with authors, we prefer that correspondence is put in writing and addressed to:

c/o Granta Books (Publicity Dept)
12 Addison Avenue
London W11 4QR

To contact an author for a bookshop event, festival or interview, please contact the publicity department.


Q. How can I request a review copy of a particular book?
If you work in the media and would like to request a review copy please email [email protected] stating the publication or organisation you represent.


Q. How can I request permission to use an extract from a Granta Books title?
For full information regarding permissions requests see our Rights & Permissions page. It is important that you are able to provide as much information as possible for your permissions request. We aim to respond to all requests within four weeks.


Q. How can I find out if rights are available for a particular book?
For information on how to find out about the availability of serial, dramatic or translation rights for a particular book see our Rights & Permissions page.  You might find the information you are looking for in our catalogues or rights guides.