David Goldblatt
David Goldblatt was born in London in 1965 and now lives in Bristol. He is the author of The Ball is Round: A Global History of Football.
David Goldblatt on Granta.com
Essays & Memoir
Issue 104
Doing the Paperwork: Life in the aftermath of a violent death
David Goldblatt
‘If the pressure of their life didn’t kill her it made the fight too hard.’
Art & Photography
Issue 40
Die Hel
David Goldblatt
‘Die Hel is a remote valley in the Swartburg Mountains of the south-western Cape.’
Art & Photography
Issue 28
The Structure of Things Here
David Goldblatt
‘In our structures we South Africans tend to declare ourselves quite nakedly, sometimes eloquently, and rarely with dissimulation.’
Art & Photography
Issue 17
So Far
Nadine Gordimer & David Goldblatt
‘His photographs are a beginning, not a fixed moment.’