Darcy Padilla
Darcy Padilla is a photographer, journalist and lecturer. Her honours include fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation, Open Society Institute and the W. Eugene Smith Grant in Humanistic Photography. Padilla’s recent book, Family Love, follows Julie Baird and her family for 21 years – an intimate story of poverty, Aids and social issues.
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Art & Photography
Issue 137
Julie’s Life
Emmanuel Carrère & Darcy Padilla
‘Even today, she still speaks with emotion about Dorian, the transsexual so proud of her breasts, Diane, who weighed only sixty-five pounds, and Steven, who was so frightened of dying alone that Darcy wished she could promise to be with him when the time came.’ Emmanuel Carrère on addiction and poverty in an forgotten America.
Art & Photography | Issue 122
Darcy Padilla
Darcy Padilla's ‘Julie’ is not only a devastating portrait of a woman enduring the horrors of poverty and addiction but also a legacy of a relationship between subject and photographer that spanned decades.