Theodore Solotaroff
Theodore ‘Ted’ Solotaroff (1928–2008) edited the New American Review from 1966 to 1977. He was an editor at Harper and Row in New York. His works include A Few Good Voices in My Head (1987) and First Loves: A Memoir (2003).
Theodore Solotaroff on
Essays & Memoir
Issue 15
Writing in the Cold
Theodore Solotaroff
‘The first years on your own are a good time to let the imagination off the leash and let it sniff and paw into other fields of writing. From journal writing it's only a small Kierkegaardian leap into the personal essay.’
In Conversation
Issue 1
Interview with Theodore Solotaroff
Theodore Solotaroff & William Warner
‘People belong to literary movements which are abstractions rather than to ways of life which are concrete.’