Sinéad Gleeson
Sinéad Gleeson’s essay collection Constellations: Reflections from Life won Non-Fiction Book of the Year at 2019 Irish Book Awards and the Dalkey Literary Award for Emerging Writer. It was shortlisted for the Rathbones Folio Prize, the Michel Déon Prize and the James Tait Black Memorial Prize, and has been translated into several languages. Her short stories have featured in Being Various: New Irish Short Stories (Faber, 2019) and Repeal the 8th. She has edited several award-winning anthologies including The Long Gaze Back: An Anthology of Irish Women Writers, The Glass Shore, and most recently The Art of the Glimpse. Sinéad is currently collaborating with visual artists Alice Maher and Rachel Fallon, and with Aideen Barry and composer Stephen Shannon. This Woman’s Work: Essays on Music, co-edited with Kim Gordon will be published by White Rabbit in 2022. She is also working on a novel.
Sinéad Gleeson on
Essays & Memoir
Issue 157
I Know What Spring Is Like: Clarice, Crônicas and Corcovado
Sinéad Gleeson
‘A state of grace, Lispector writes, should be short-lived, episodic.’
Sinéad Gleeson on Clarice Lispector’s Brazil.
Essays & Memoir | Issue 157
Second Mother
Sinéad Gleeson
‘The cortex shrinks where the cells used to be. The spaces in between expand. Islands in the sea of the mind. An archipelago of the former self.’ Sinéad Gleeson on Alzheimer's disease.
Essays & Memoir | Issue 135
Blue Hills and Chalk Bones
Sinéad Gleeson
‘One day, something changes; a corporeal blip. For me, it happened in the months after turning thirteen: the synovial fluid in my left hip began to evaporate like rain.’