Peregrine Hodson
Peregrine Hodson is the author of Under a Sickle Moon: A Journey Through Afghanistan and A Circle Round the Sun: A Foreigner in Japan, Inc. ‘Aftermath’ is an excerpt from his forthcoming memoir, The Hunter’s Stone.
Peregrine Hodson on
Essays & Memoir
Issue 134
Peregrine Hodson
‘We have to find a way to balance life with memory.’
Essays & Memoir | Issue 134
Foreign Bodies
Peregrine Hodson
‘We'd reached the end of the journey: a day and a night and then home. Perhaps that was our first mistake. We forgot where we were.’
Essays & Memoir | Issue 134
The Dolphin of Amble
Peregrine Hodson
‘Once again the dolphin presented his body to my hand, slid by my fingers and turned over with a lazy splash.’
Fiction | Issue 134
War Memories
Peregrine Hodson
‘I said I thought it was difficult to judge the actions of war in peace because war and peace are different worlds.’
Issue 134
Thursday Night in Tokyo
Peregrine Hodson
‘The spotlight grew brighter, there was a movement behind the curtain, and a dwarf with a painted clown’s face stepped into the circle of light.’
Essays & Memoir | Issue 134
Peregrine Hodson
‘The thought of selling the shares seems disrespectful, like burning the letters of the dead. However, the market has been softening over the last two months and people are beginning to say that the bull market is over.’
Essays & Memoir
Issue 134
A Journey into Afghanistan
Peregrine Hodson
‘We had been travelling for a week, and had reached the territory of the Hesb Nasr: a rival group of mujahedin who were notorious for ambushing travellers, stealing their weapons and skinning their victims.’