Mario Vargas Llosa
Mario Vargas Llosa was born in Peru in 1936. His most recent books in English include a novel, The Bad Girl, and Touchstones, a collection of essays on literature, art and politics.
Mario Vargas Llosa on
Fiction | Issue 119
Three Character Sketches
Mario Vargas Llosa
‘For Fataumata, and others like her, dying tragically is dying naturally.’
Essays & Memoir | Issue 36
A Fish Out of Water
Mario Vargas Llosa
‘A democracy, I said, is driven by the electoral process, and in elections there are victories and defeats.’
Essays & Memoir | Issue 36
Cheap Intellectuals
Mario Vargas Llosa
‘Europeans want a fictitious Latin America on to which they can project their own desires. They want a Latin America which satisfies a longing for political engagement that is not possible in their own countries.’
Essays & Memoir | Issue 36
The Story of a Massacre
Mario Vargas Llosa
‘They spoke naturally - without any sense of guilt - and were intrigued and surprised that people had come from so far away, and that there was so much excitement, because of one little incident.’
Essays & Memoir | Issue 4
La Orgía Perpetua An Essay on Sexuality and Realism
Mario Vargas Llosa
‘No character has been more persistently and passionately present than Emma Bovary.’