Mario Vargas Llosa
Mario Vargas Llosa was born in Peru in 1936. His most recent books in English include a novel, The Bad Girl, and Touchstones, a collection of essays on literature, art and politics.
Mario Vargas Llosa on
Issue 119
Three Character Sketches
Mario Vargas Llosa
‘For Fataumata, and others like her, dying tragically is dying naturally.’
Essays & Memoir | Issue 36
A Fish Out of Water
Mario Vargas Llosa
‘A democracy, I said, is driven by the electoral process, and in elections there are victories and defeats.’
Essays & Memoir
Issue 36
Cheap Intellectuals
Mario Vargas Llosa
‘Europeans want a fictitious Latin America on to which they can project their own desires. They want a Latin America which satisfies a longing for political engagement that is not possible in their own countries.’
Essays & Memoir
Issue 36
The Story of a Massacre
Mario Vargas Llosa
‘They spoke naturally - without any sense of guilt - and were intrigued and surprised that people had come from so far away, and that there was so much excitement, because of one little incident.’
Essays & Memoir
Issue 4
La Orgía Perpetua An Essay on Sexuality and Realism
Mario Vargas Llosa
‘No character has been more persistently and passionately present than Emma Bovary.’