James Pogue
James Pogue is the author of Chosen Country: A Rebellion in the West, and is a contributing editor at Harper’s Magazine. He is writing a book about rural California. The Pulitzer Center helped fund his reporting for ‘Wagner in Africa’.
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Essays & Memoir
Issue 168
Gold Fever in the Coup Belt: The Mines of Mauritania
James Pogue
‘The whole arc of the failed promise of development became legible in the traces of the gold rush.’
James Pogue reports from the gold mines of Mauritania.
Essays & Memoir
Issue 167
Wagner in Africa
James Pogue
‘Many people in the country seem happy to accept mercenaries in exchange for stability.’
James Pogue on the Wagner Group in the Central African Republic.
Essays & Memoir | Issue 167
James Pogue
‘In 2018 in northern California, 21,000 homes burned.’
Essays & Memoir | Issue 167
The White Bloc
James Pogue
‘This election made clear that white people in this country have begun to vote how Southern whites always have: as a bloc.’
Essays & Memoir | Issue 167
James Pogue
‘This American says he’s heard of Cross but that he’s still just passing through.’ He laughed and formed the shape of a pistol with his right hand. ‘Well you heard that part, didn’t ya? That is one thing that will never change here.’