Helen Simpson
Helen Simpson’s is the author of five collections of short stories, the most recent of which is In-Flight Entertainment. Her previous books include Four Bare Legs in a Bed and Other Stories and Hey Yeah Right Get a Life.
Helen Simpson on Granta.com
Issue 115
In-flight Entertainment
Helen Simpson
‘All you needed for the modern world was to know how to work a remote control.’
Essays & Memoir | Issue 115
Helen Simpson
‘The thing about a circular walk is that you end up where you started.’
Fiction | Issue 87
Early One Morning
Helen Simpson
‘He's the only person in the world who listens to me and does what I tell him (thought Zoe).’
Essays & Memoir
Issue 87
With a Bang
Helen Simpson
‘There had been an unbelievable amount of talk about the weather, not to mention the end of the world and so on’.
Fiction | Issue 43
Heavy Weather
Helen Simpson
‘The baby was now three months old, and she had not had more than half an hour alone since his birth in February.’