George Steiner
George Steiner (1929–2020) was a literary critic, essayist, philosopher, novelist and educator. His fiction is collected in a single volume, The Deeps of the Sea and Other Fiction. His books include The Death of Tragedy (Faber), After Babel (OUP) and most recently, Grammars of Creation (Faber/Yale University Press). He was appointed an Extraordinary Fellow at Churchill College, Cambridge in 1969.
George Steiner on
Essays & Memoir | Issue 58
George Steiner
‘Papa embodied, as did every corner of our Paris home, the tenor, the prodigality and glow of Jewish-European and Central-European emancipation.’
Issue 28
Noël, Noël
George Steiner
‘Come Christmas, sounds mix and multiply. And are shot through with smells.’
Issue 28
Desert Island Discs
George Steiner
‘His requests did stretch the resources, almost all-encompassing, of the sound-archive. But that is part of the game.’
Issue 28
A Conversation Piece
George Steiner
‘No. Listen to me. God's confidence in Abraham was not total. Let me hammer out my meaning.’
Issue 2
The Portage to San Cristobal of A. H.
George Steiner
‘At moments Hitler’s head brushed against Gideon’s cheek like a clump of wet leaves.’