A Yi
A Yi’s books include the novel A Perfect Crime and the collections Grey Stories and The Bird Saw Me. His work has appeared in the Guardian and Paper Republic. He is the editor-in-chief of the literary magazine Chutzpah. He lives in Beijing.
A Yi on Granta.com
Art & Photography
Issue 138
Another Great Leap
Justin Jin & A Yi
‘A man will only return to his birthplace in the countryside when he is dead. This is our reality.’
Essays & Memoir
Issue 124
A Yi
‘I no longer feared that she would entrap me; my heart would not soften.’
Essays & Memoir | Issue 124
After the Olympics Left
Various Contributors
‘Once I came home at the end of August, it was as if nothing had ever happened. Indeed, nothing had.‘
Essays & Memoir | Issue 124
Petty Thief
A Yi
‘Stop what you’re doing, I’ve caught the guy! He says he knows kung fu.’