Two Farms: One Black, One White | Granta

Two Farms: One Black, One White

Lindsey Hilsum

‘They were both in their early forties. We drank tea on the veranda, watching the dogs play as the water sprinkler greened the lawn. This was the Africa of the white man's dream, where nature can be subdued inside the compound, but where the bush extends in its thrilling wildness just beyond the fence.’

Lindsey Hilsum

Lindsey Hilsum is the International Editor of Channel 4 News. She is the author of Sandstorm: Libya in the Time of Revolution and In Extremis: the Life of War Correspondent Marie Colvin, winner of the James Tait Black Prize for Biography. ‘When the Cholera Came’ is her third essay on Rwanda for Granta. ‘Where is Kigali?’ was published in Granta 51: Big Men (and LA Women), and ‘The Rainy Season’ was published in Granta 125: After the War.

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