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The Book of Goose

Yiyun Li

‘Just follow me, she had said, you do nothing but what I tell you to.’

An extract from Yiyun Li’s new novel.


Rosanna McLaughlin

‘She’d always been a heavy sweater, ever since puberty first coated her skin with downy fur, transforming the climate of her body into something dank and grotty.’

An excerpt from Rosanna McLaughlin’s Sinkhole.

Édouard’s Sixteen

Kevin Lambert

‘Laurence’s busy pre-mourning himself and his lover; he knows their thing’s got an end date, it’s not far off now.’

A story by Kevin Lambert, translated from the French by Jeffrey Zuckerman.


Rebecca Miller

‘She turned toward the voice and there he was, standing there, like Death.’

A short story by Rebecca Miller.

and the earth drank deep

Ntsika Kota

Ntsika Kota is the winner of the 2022 Commonwealth Short Story Prize for Africa.

The Last Diver on Earth

Sofia Mariah Ma

Winner of the 2022 Commonwealth Writers Short Story Prize for Asia.


Guadalupe Nettel

‘It is easy, when we are young, to have ideals and to live according to them.’

An excerpt from Guadalupe Nettel’s Still Born.

Bridge Over the Yallahs River

Diana McCaulay

Winner of the 2022 Commonwealth Writers Short Story Prize for the Caribbean region.

An English Opening

Maxim Osipov

‘In a bad position, any move is worthless.’

New fiction by Maxim Osipov, translated from the Russian by Alex Fleming.

Staying In

Lieke Marsman

‘I’m a cucumber, a cucumber, a cucumber, I would whisper aloud to my eight-year-old self.’

An excerpt from Lieke Marsman’s new novel.


Eloghosa Osunde

‘It’s a story that happens to you once and then lives with you forever.’

An excerpt from Vagabonds! by Eloghosa Osunde.

The Wonders

Elena Medel

‘You need money even to protest.’

Acts of Desperation

Megan Nolan

‘I wish I could step inside this memory and steady myself, put a cool reassuring hand on my own and convince myself to wait.’

An excerpt from Megan Nolan’s Acts of Desperation, shortlisted for the Sunday Times Young Writers Award.

An Olive Grove in Ends

Moses McKenzie

‘The infamous Hughes family – known to police and hospital staff across the city.’

Fiction set in Bristol by Moses McKenzie.