Granta | The Home of New Writing


Things I Never Told Her

Marian Ryan

‘I will lay down what I want, and I will get it, and prove I am not the kind of woman who is controlled by a man.’

The White Bloc

James Pogue

‘This election made clear that white people in this country have begun to vote how Southern whites always have: as a bloc.’

Her Boy

Mika Taylor

‘She is the first dolphin mother, Peter her boy genius.’

Five Things Right Now: Eliza Robertson

Eliza Robertson

‘For me, astrology’s opened this new language and field of understanding.’

What’s Not There Can’t Hurt You

Sara Taylor

‘A shadow gained body and grew, looming over the bed, and he caught the impression of long teeth and many limbs, smelled something claylike and vegetal.’

Labyrinth of the Heart

Mark Slouka

‘Every marriage is forged differently; some crack at a touch, others endure beyond belief, still others are tempered by events and time.’

Memoirs of a Polar Bear

Yoko Tawada

‘I was perfectly content with my new life until I began to write my autobiography.’

The Maenad

Eliza Robertson

‘She feels the wildness enter her and keeps her eyes shut.’ New fiction from Eliza Robertson.

Travels in Pornland

Andrea Stuart

‘I can easily recall my first brush with porn’

Our Shining Castle

Julia Rochester

‘Europe, for me, meant family.’

Do Not Say We Have Nothing

Madeleine Thien

‘In a single year, my father left us twice.’

Why We’re Post-Fact

Peter Pomerantsev

‘We are living in a ‘post-fact’ or ‘post-truth’ world. Not merely a world where politicians and media lie – they have always lied – but one where they don’t care whether they tell the truth or not.’

Putting Down Strangers

Adam Thorpe

‘Home, after all, is a continual plangent threnody in the often uninterpretable clamour of being an immigrant.’ Adam Thorpe on Brexit.


Sigrid Rausing

‘To know love is to know (or to imagine) the loss of love.’