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Explore Poetry

Dog Days

James Lasdun

‘Blizzard died. I’m remembering / his limitless affection.’

Don’t Flinch

Adrienne Rich

‘Lichen-green lines of shingle pulsate and waver / when you lift your eyes. It’s the glare.’

Drama Lessons for Young Girls

Tara Bergin

‘So the young girls, / cast as naughty young girls from the Acropolis, / left – / just with some things missing.’

Eel Tail

Alice Oswald

‘untranslatable hissed interruptions / unspeakable wide chapped lips’

Eight pieces in imitation of Thomas A. Clark

Matthew Welton

‘what it is about the earth / that it won’t absorb the stream’

Einstein on the Beach

Hugh Seidman

‘So many thugs in any century how crush them all? / All passports stamped for the underworld’


Sean O’Brien

‘It seems there's no such thing as history. / We must have dreamed the world you've vanished from.’


Raven Leilani

‘I sent messages in nine point font / arcing through the Internet, asking him / do you believe in our heavenly Father?’

End of the Pier Show

Michael Hofmann

‘They were fascinated / by what they seemed to have contained.’


Adrienne Rich

‘Consider yourself / a trombone blowing unheard.’

Enjaracon Sponaeda

Will Alexander

‘how can all the pressures of surveillance / fail to describe me?’


Gary Barwin

‘the heart is an ocean-sized drum / a rat-sized jellyfish’


Charles Simic

‘Could they be the same person?’

Every Day Was Ordinary

Joshua Jennifer Espinoza

‘A life is an open thing / leaking out into / the air around it.’