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The Buddhist

Alan Rossi

‘Loneliness is the extra, the part that’s unnecessary.’

The Buzzard’s Egg

China Miéville

‘I can’t remember: did a young man destroy his miserable god, or did a god free its worshipper and take his blood and his bones?’

The Florida Motel

Kevin Canty

‘Suddenly she understood what she was doing here. She was among strangers, the place where Bill had chosen to spend his life.’

The Gentlest Village

Jesse Ball

‘You are learning – learning a great deal. It is too much for you, so your body bows out. Then you wake up and you can continue.’

The Instant of Passage

Mathias Énard

‘Praying for the unknown dead, for the vague remains of the existences of total strangers, was sadly abstract.’

The Intoxicated Years

Mariana Enríquez

‘They cried as if they weren’t to blame for any of it. We hated innocent people.’

The Landlady

Geling Yan

‘After all, they were landlady and tenant; what right did he have to meddle?’

The Middle Ages: Approaching the Question of a Terminal Date

David Szalay

‘What is left? What is he to wrap himself in, now that everything has floated off into space?’

The Mother of All Sins

Hanan al-Shaykh

‘Loving life is the mother of all sins.’

The Tattoo

Maciej Milkowski

‘We missed our moment, reading the classics in semi-virtual travel agencies.’

The Wrong Square

Neel Mukherjee

‘Something as fundamental to intelligence as counting was eluding him.’

This is New

Marc Bojanowski

‘None of this would have happened if I’d just taken a deep breath, suppressed my emotions and said to the young woman, “Leave. Now.”‘

To Detroit

Benjamin Markovits

‘Things started going wrong at my ten-year college reunion – or I guess I mean that I realized how wrong they had gone.’